We have decided to work exclusively with Koppi.

First of all, if you ever get the chance to meet either Anne, Charles, Bjørn and Rie you will quickly notice how sweet and kind they all are. This has always been our number one reason for working with them. We adore all of them and believe they are the kindest and most passionate people on the planet. But they also happen to roast outstanding coffee.
The coffee they roast has a lot of the qualities that we ourselves look for, when making our ice creams or pastries.
Elegance, clarity and transparency.

Anne and Charles are the founders of Koppi and they keep a high level of quality and utmost care in everything they do. 
Great coffee doesn’t become great by chance. Each step is of equal importance. They use their skills, not only in their roastery by roasting coffee beans, but they also personally ensure that the prior steps in the production chain – growing the plant, picking the perfectly ripe coffee cherries, sorting, drying and milling the beans – are according to their standards.
So, our job is to try to brew the coffee in the most considerate way, keeping the products integrity and respecting the tremendous amount of work that is behind something that seems so simple - but done really well - brings us a lot of joy.
Furthermore they seek to create long-term relationships with the people who grow the coffee and not just seeking the highs and trends of the coffee industry. Instead they work with the same families, thereby giving them better and more profitable conditions. We really like that.
To learn more about Koppi visit their website at www.koppi.se